Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm sick (but not the good kind of sick)

The dreaded two-week-wait period is usually spent googling "early pregnancy symptoms" and watching our bodies closely for any potential sign that we're pregnant. On Friday night into Saturday, I thought I had a few small signs: my back hurt and my lower abdomen hurt and tight. It could have been related to the IUI procedure and all the medicine I've been injected with over the past few weeks, but still, it was something.

Sunday morning was another story. I woke up with a sore throat that was followed by a fever, head congestion, and ear aches. I got in to see my family doctor Monday morning and she confirmed my suspicions--strep throat. I got a prescription for amoxicillin and was sent on my way. But, I did get to answer "yes" when the nurse asked me if there was a chance I was pregnant. That's the first time in several years that a doctor appt has happened in the two-week-wait and I was able to say yes. It was a little exciting.

They offered to do a pregnancy test then but I explained that the HCG shot would throw off the results anyway, but it's officially in my medical records that I might be pregnant. :)


  1. Stupid strep throat - that sucks! And I really hope that your medical records stick - and it becomes a definite - not a might!!!!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Score! Well, not score to the strep throat, but "SCORE!" to might be preggo! Fingers crossed that it turns into a "IS preggo".

    Happy ICLW! #117

    PS: Following you now!

  3. Ugh. Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Still, what fun to be able to say you might be pregnant, right? So, maybe it was just a little worth it, the being sick I mean. :)

    Best wishes for a BFP!

  4. I'm so sorry you are under the weather. I know exactly what you mean by getting to say you "could be" pregnant at the doctor's office. I saw a new family doctor last week, and waited patiently for them to ask the date of my last period, expecting them to question me about a possible pregnancy. (That was Tuesday and AF showed up on Friday). They didn't even ask. I felt a little deflated!

    Best of luck to you!

    Happy ICLW (#141)!

  5. Ah...the 2WW is horrible! Don't count yourself out though. It would be great if that could stay in your records. :)


  6. Strep throat sucks!! I get it all to often and should really have my tonsils out, but I'm a chicken and won't. Hoping that you're feeling better by now, and that your "maybe pregnant" turns into an "is pregnant" status.

    ICLW #33

  7. That was one of my favorite dr. appts as well - the cycle turned out to be a bfn, but after a crazy red ant attack, I got to say that the possibility was there for the first time ever! I hope it turns out to be confirmed for you!


  8. I hope you're feeling better. Your 2ww is nearly over - here's hoping you get a BFP!

